Sanum Fortakehl 6X (D3) Suppositories, a therapeutic solution formulated from tPenicillium roquefortii e volumine cellulae (lyophil., steril.), and categorically fall under the purview of system regulation within the esteemed realm of SANUM therapy.
Distinguished by its unique composition, FORTAKEHL® stands apart as a non-antibiotic formulation devoid of penicillic acid. Unlike conventional antibiotic treatments, FORTAKEHL® assures a risk-free experience, with no reported side effects such as penicillin allergies, liver damage, disruption of intestinal flora, or the emergence of penicillin-resistant strains.
Choose Sanum Fortakehl 6X (D3) Suppositories for a professional-grade remedy that aligns with system-regulation principles, delivering effective results without the associated risks commonly associated with antibiotic therapies.